What is Focused Work Weekend?

Call or email Danielle to reserve your spot!


This program has both an in-person option and a Zoom option.

If you need to be at your desk with your files and do not want to pack everything up, the Zoom option will be best for you. (All are welcome on the Zoom option.)

The in-person option will be held at a location in South Norman – limit 4 people. (Females only for the comfort of our participants.)


On the Friday prior to each Focused Work Weekend, there will be a Zoom from 4-5pm Central Time to communicate the task you will be working on, for measurement purposes, and to ask questions.

This will be a come and go type Zoom so once you are finished communicating your items you can leave the meeting, should you choose to.

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A tips and tricks list on how to make the work weekend successful will also be provided.

Email DanielleCall Danielle

There will be a structured agenda and productivity techniques will be used.

* Break times are built in – Calendar Invites will be sent after Sign up


For the day options, one can select to attend Saturday Only, Sunday Only, or Both Saturday and Sunday?

* For half day options – prior approval will be required by Danielle and the day and time of the half day the participant intends on attending will have to be selected prior to or during the preparation meeting the Friday prior to the start of the Focused Work Weekend.